
Ok imma go on and just unplug my router because that's enough internet for today.

  • 11
    In my local area the fucking supermarkets are partially fucking empty cause people are stocking up like it's the apocalypse.
    The virus, imo, is exaggerated by media.
  • 4
    @Ranchu it's basically this year's version of Ebola or the H1N1 flu (which I got whenever there was that outbreak about 10 years ago).

    The biggest thing it does for me is just make me an even bigger germaphobe than I normally am.
  • 2
  • 2
    Pacifico Clara, the cure for the common coronavirus?
  • 14
    Fun fact my local health ministry shared and sent a pdf around which was a transcript of a facebook post with 100% false information about the virus.
  • 2
    @yellow-dog solid ✊🏻
  • 4
    The funny thing is that many people in the West could survive for two months without food and then still be just in the ideal weight range... lol.
  • 2
    You sound like you only stocked salt. Should've read this earlier.
  • 2
    Buy vitamin suplements. Those idiots will get scurvy on those meals... If you really want to prepare.
  • 4
    "How to stock the kitchen"
    With fucking food, you arent fucking going to eat soap...
  • 10
    My family and I have been joking about the "epidemic" so much. So far the best name I've heard for it this far is the "Kung Flu."

    "But OMG it kills so many people!!!1"

    The given mortality rate is 2% -- already fairly small for something so "deadly." The given symptoms are identical to that of a bad cold, and there's only a chance it progresses to pneumonia. Apparently most people won't even know they have the Coronavirus unless it progresses, meaning there are a lot more actual cases than are reported, let alone confirmed. This means the death rate is probably 0.2% or, likely, a magnitude lower.

    "But its spreading so fast!!"

    Yep. So do colds, but they're not sensationalized, so nobody really monitors those. Also, this just reinforces my point about the number of cases that go unreported.

    "Arent you afraid you're going to die? Or someone you know is going to die?!"

    Were you not paying attention? Also, I'm not afraid I'm going to die every time I get the flu, which has a higher mortality rate. Also, I probably contracted it on my trip and gave it to my family -- who are all fine, including my 1yo and a 60+yo, both of whom are at higher risk of the more dangerous pneumonia stage. I'm still the only one with lingering symptoms, and tbf idrgaf.

    "Did you die just then? I can't understand that"

    Go learn to speak internet, scrub.
    And get out of my face before I sneeze some Corona at you. 🧐
  • 2
    I have few friends that already had stocked food for over a month, including a pool of water, solar panels and gas...
    I just feel that im surrounded by stupid. Give me some faith in humans please.
  • 3
    @Gregozor2121 I can't. Humans are beyond saving.
  • 4
    Not much happened for last 10 years and demand for crisis is so big that people created one by themselves.
    We are looking at typical crowd psychology symptoms. The actual cause of it and consequences will be revealed later as essential for people to survive and probable another limitation of freedom.
  • 3
    Same shit with hand sanitizers. I always have a small bottle with me on long road trips for myself and friends. Few days ago I wanted to buy one for a trip next week and those sensationalist fuckers bought literally EVERYTHING. You don't even need that shit when all you do is drive to work in your car and come home to scratch your balls on the couch
  • 2
    God damnit this isn't Metro Exodus!
  • 5
    Here's a meme for y'all
  • 1
    And Switzerland went full retard lockdown. Canceld all events over a 1000 peeps. Including the geneva motor show....
  • 4
    @JFK422 If you can still go to the market to buy food and you dont have any issiues then it isnt a full lockdown yet.
  • 0
    I wish I had an offhand closeup pic from fallout 3 of a freezer in a raider hideout.

    Btw bird flu though not widely spread, killed something like 60% of the people who did contract it. Maybe an artefact of low case count but holy shit the death rate was next-level.

    Clovis 19 is a wet fart in comparison. And black plague, which may have in fact been *airborne* is even crazier. Or highly infectious variants of ebola which have been threatening to erupt each year, with repeated massive outbreaks e.x. Madagascar, are no small matter either.

    For perspective, every year about 1% of the world population dies anyway.
    And for comparison, the danger of dying by drowning in your own bathtub or falling out of bed on your head are risks that are both roughly ten times higher than dying from a shark attack.

    It's a crazy world out there. Watch online for bathtub drowning!
  • 1
    @Wisecrack If only 1% of our population have died every year we would have 1000 bilion people by now.
  • 0
    Bird flu and 60%? Nah i think there is a additional zero in there.
    Black plauge? Yep burbonic one was only transmited by fluids but i think there was a airborne one too.
    Bacterial pandemics are less scary, we have tools for that, antibiotics and experimental nanovirus therapy.

    Corona is shit now, but we try to stop it asap anyway because we dont want it to pull hispanic flu on us again. Lessening the amount of deaths is a good thing.
  • 0

    I just like lying on the internet for fun and profit.
  • 1
    I just like being a internet smartass.
    Cant stop entrophy yet, so i wont bother fixing the world. Especialy on the internet.
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