Today is a great day for me! Today I've reached my weight goal - 99.9 . That's right guys - this nerd can proudly say that he's lost 20kg since last Nov!

Boi does that feel amazing.

So yeah guys, listen up. If your weight is <100 - appreciate that! Your hearts aren't in trouble, you can bend easily to put your socks on, you can sit with your legs crossed, you can do sooo many things! Enjoy it. And don't let it go easily. Don't think like I did: "meeh, it's just one more kilo -- I'll tackle it down later". It's a // TODO. It'll never happen!

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    So for you americans thats 220,2 pounds and he lost amazing 44 pounds. Bravo!
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    Negative weight? I'm not sure what physics thinks of that.
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    @electrineer There's a space :p Nice try
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    Awesome, that's 5kg per month! Now keep the good work up, that's the difficult part.
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    20 kgs in three months? That's amazing. What did you do?
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    @ReverendLovejoy dark magic mostly...
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    @netikras Nice!
    now - make sure you keep below 100!
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    Hell yeah man.

    it's super weird being proud of a total stranger, but congratulations!

    Losing weight can be tough.
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    @Tamrael You can just skip that step if you don't mind seeing demons in the corner of your eyes and hearing them whisper at night, or replace humanity in the instructions with a thousand goats and two belgian cyclists.
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    Why the belgian cyclists though?

    Can I substitute them for finnish extreme uni-cyclists?

    Do I need to double the number of unicyclists on account of the fact they're on unicycles instead of bikes?
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    @Wisecrack They must be Belgian, but the vehicle isn't important. You can even sacrifice tandem bikers, which might be easier since they usually come in pairs.
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