I need to actually build up my website since all that's there is a digital resume currently

I have too many ideas for what I want like a simple blogging space, project showcase space, my teacher recommend a lanking page, and a better digital resume. but limited free time to figure out where to start and what to use and that's really demotivating
I'm thinking about using node or vue to learn a framework but again I'd have to learn them since all I know is normal unmodified js. And again where the hell do I start

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    Start by asking yourself what the *purpose* of the site is, what it's intended audience is, and go from there.
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    Paradox of choice: The more you can choose, the harder it is to make a decision.

    I agree with @AppleLover; make a static, and imo, use a template, get it done as quickly as possible, and up and running so that you can spam your friends with it so they can find what's wrong with it. Fast feedback means a lot.

    Ok, now that you've got it up, how do you deal with the "what about all the possibilities of what I could do?"

    Look up decision matrices. It is actually very difficult to compare and contrast complex project ideas without creating clear objectives and timelines, as well as impact, scope, and development hurdles.

    Once you have a decision and the like, look at some of the project methodologies (agile, lean, etc.) which try to solve those problems systematically.

    You are actually asking very important questions: What am I doing with my time, and what outcome is the most worthwhile? What am I gaining and what am I losing?

    Good luck :)
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    Start writing. Look at it. Break it. Refactor it. Look at it again, keep going until it's good enough.
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    If you just want a simple site that you can easily expand a bit, maybe do a Jekyll on github.io site to start with. Super easy to get started and the basic templates, pages and posts will be easy enough to extract into some other framework later if you decide you need something more serious.

    Focus on content and style rather than architecture if time is short.
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