
This is response I got from my ex tech lead in a company that I left six months ago..

Btw account is registered on my private email and has admin access to Slack full of confidential files.

Don't even know why I worked there..

  • 19
    Easy - remove all users except you from the slack team.
    They will solve the problem then!
  • 5
    So I take it you gathered all confidential slack information you could find and sold it for money to illustrate that they should have remoced you :p?
  • 4
    @magicMirror I should, right? 👀
    @alexbrooklyn sure, name your price? 😂
  • 4
    I'm not sure if he's completely clueless or being aggressively sarcastic, but damn that's beyond unprofessional.

    If it were me I'd email the CEO, state you have access to confidential files with your personal email account, state they're refusing to remove this access, and mention how extremely concerning it is that no policy is in place to remove access after employees leave.

    Bet he'll come down on that tech lead like a ton of bricks.
  • 5
    So many places forget to disable accounts. They deserve what they get.
  • 4
    Yeah, signing out is good, but he should have been locked out of the company slack before he even left the building.
  • 5
    As I see it, you have two options:
    1. delete the team members, and then delete the team + all files. Deny any knowledge of this when asked, and claim you were "hacked". Present a ransomware laden old compiter as evidence, in case it gets there.
    2. Take thier files hostage. Ask for lots of $$$ for your time to "fix" the issue, as a "contractor".
  • 4
    Maybe he left the company as well and doesn't want to be noticed 🤔
  • 4
    So transfer admin to someone else in that company and sign out then, like the guy has suggested?

    Unles ofc you feel the urge to pick a bone with him
  • 0
    @Grumic pretty sure he didn't as he's the only person there now that knows all their systems and how they work, they can't afford to lose him.

    @netikras right, and what happens if my email gets hacked and they break into that Slack? What happens if some of their own employees dumps data and that person (or they) point fingers at me?

    I'm a nice guy, give zero fucks for them and would never dump or sell anything but just prefer have "all bills settled" after I leave the company, and removing my access from their sensitive data should be job number one they do.

    That's why it's really annoying seeing this kind of passive aggressiveness from one of their key people - anyways removing user takes half a freaking minute..
  • 2
    @netikras I'd usually agree, but that's really not his responsibility, especially given that passive aggressive message.

    If I got that message from an ex employee, I'd immediately apologise, sort it out, then start an internal investigation to find out why his credentials weren't revoked, and how many other potential users could be in the same boat. Granted I'm in a regulated space so that's likely taken way more seriously here, but the principle applies - it's the company's responsibility to remove any and all access, not their ex employees.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce Okay, apparently I don't see what you guys see. In what way is that response passive-aggressive? From what I see it's just a plain and simple and a very clear response to the question OP had asked. I don't see OP mentioning his personal email being used in the company in his question so I assume the replier was not aware of that (neither would I if I received that very question).
  • 1
    @myss sell your credentials on the black market and let them have at it then just go "wow its crazy how i got $15,000 last week and this week my account got hacked! Crazy coincidence, right?!"
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