
the air conditioning where the servers are located stopped working ... the general management sent us a fan

  • 1
    @rutee07 haha
  • 11
    My university opened the windows when that happened. A box of leafs are still in the server room.
    It helped, but a few servers were damaged by water.
  • 3
    @sbiewald it's not raining here yet, but thanks for the warning
  • 5
    @rutee07 I'm pretty sure it wasn't the dumbest one lol
  • 2
    If you position the fan by the inlet blowing into it then it might help a bit as long as it's not blocked.
  • 1
    This genuinely made me chuckled
  • 1
    @rutee07 we'll disappoint you as much as we want to.
  • 1
    You can open up the servers and connect the fans in parallel. Atleast you guys 'll be cool cuz' servers won't be anymore anyways.
  • 0
    And, seriously ? This actually happened ?
  • 0
    @mentions yes, it happened, and the worst thing is that we had to turn off the servers and we received many complaints :(
  • 0
    Do you work at Cisco Webex 😂
  • 0
    @mentions haha nope
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