
Question for iOS users (not that I'm looking into an iPhone, just curious)
What is the general state on app notifications? Because I've just about had it with the absolute fucking torrent of notifications whenever you install some random app on Android.

You install some random exercise app and the next day it will say "so did you get your exercise you lazy fucker?".
You install some random food recipe app and it immediately tells you to get your luncheon going with over a billion recipes (and probably all bad)

  • 6
    It's basically the same. Additionally, if a notification shows the null-byte, it will restart the iPhone, currently.
  • 1
    By default notifications for an app is switched on that means banner, lock screen, Notification Center, sounds and badges.
  • 3
    @norman70688 👀I think you mean off.

    apps need to ask permission on first use of notifs, camera, ect.

    You can control notifs by app in settings if you pressed "give me a bazillion notifs" by accident.

    By default, if you press accept this is the config below, But again customisable or turn em off
  • 1
    @C0D4 Android has notification controls too. :)
  • 1
    @kescherRant true that, but doesn't Android still do a single "I agree" to all app permissions instead of per feature?
  • 0
    @C0D4 Yeah, could be true.
    It's been a while since I installed something, but now when I think about it they ask something after install indeed.
  • 1
    @theKarlisK Ah yes indeed.
    theworldsmostpointlesspage.org wants to send you fucking pointless notifications.
  • 0
    @C0D4 Not quite. There are permision categories now. For instance, account and contact access is group under "Contacts".
  • 2
    Think about it, Android cloned the features of iOS, so it can just be better in any way.

    Love it or hate it, but I even like that apple supresses some notification until you actively look for them/use your phone.

    At work I really only get the notifications related to work (except whatsapp)
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