What the fuck is so hard about vim? Press i for insert mode, esc for visual mode. How is that so hard to remember? There's like 2 commands at most that you need to know

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    What the fuck is so hard about writing 2500 word essay? Is it just as simple as writing 2500 words, it is not hard.
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    If you are using VIM only for that 2 commands you are using it wrong
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    @tahnik I use more than 2 commands but you can get by if you know how to save and close a file
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    Some programmers are just underground, you never get that much attention or understanding :D
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    If you only use two commands, you're not using the full potential.


    For example, find replace all, very useful.
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    But how do you close it is the real question
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    @rtannerf do you look like Me?
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    @humanbonsai har har.
    :we for save.
    :q! for exit without saving
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    yy - yank line
    p - paste it
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    :w for save
    :wq save and quit
    :wq! Force save and quit
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    @Linux shit.. Autocorrect messed with me :/
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    Bruh, VIM is so great. Only lames use regular text editors... - Single-speed-bike-riding, flannel-shirt-wearing, soylent-drinking hipster.
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    @humanbonsai if it's a desktop computer, find the power cord and unplug it. If it's a laptop, a mallet or chainsaw comes in handy.
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    using vim with the right plugins is a time saver. if you are a Web developer gulp, browsersync and vim is a damn awesome combination. rebind esc to something closer like capslock. and it becomes really quick to build a site from scratch with two screens or even using workspaces.
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    @Ubbe yeah I think the only time I ever use capslock is for sql statements but I'm getting out of that habit. for a developer there's not alot of use for capslock. as for the tab problem, I was lucky and started programing after they redid the keyboards. I use i3, tmux, vim, and firefox with vimFx so I'll probably remap other keys as time goes on but esc was my most time consuming
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    And I'll continue to use nano because I can :P
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    I get by knowing the basics with Vim, it doesn't take much practice as you tend to do the same things a lot.

    Best part is doing everything from the terminal.
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