
After working about a year at a new company, I realise multiple things.

1. Just because their older, or senior, doesn't not mean they know everything.
2. I really like helping other people with coding.
3. I am underpaid for the amount of work I do.

I do the same job as the senior devs, and also take on a more leadership role. The coming talk about my pay will be interesting to see..

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    Realized the same thing after working in my current org for last 1 year.
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    I might be a pessimist, but I don't think they'll give you the raise, you're looking for.

    Two options:
    1) get a new job
    2) get them to work out a list of events/requirements/whatever, that need to be fullfilled to get X as salary. Make sure to have it signed by them and set a fixed amount of time (6mo, 9mo, 12mo) after which to review the progress and adjust your pay.
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