
There’s no reason to keep using Windows. Don’t buy games that don’t offer a Linux version. Don’t take jobs that require you use Windows. Eventually as people refuse, businesses will follow or lose out 😁😁😁

  • 5
    Congratz you are now smart!
  • 2
    I disagree, for people that started out with Windows, there might be lots of reasons to continue using it.
  • 8
    You know, there's this nasty thing called "customers". They bring in the money that also pays the devs.

    You think you can tell the customer what he has to buy? I think you need a serious alignment from management.
  • 1
    @shoop what's Linux? Is that like an update for windows? /s 😂
  • 4
    Yeah, what about doing the same for Apple and not develop any iOS app ever?
  • 2
    @ScribeOfGoD WSL intensifies.
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD Nah it's more like a DOS window.
  • 4
    Proton is a thing.
    Also, Vulkan is a thing.
  • 1
    Problem with your assertion is people buying games and developers required to use Windows are in minority
  • 2
    Forget games.

    Until there is no decent alternative to Office, there is no point in Linux as workstation (And no LibreOffice is not an option).
  • 1
    @Jilano Does the mean IT is the @root of all evil?
  • 0
    @Jilano possible. I haven't been to EU
  • 6
    @catgirl, but me and my 2 hours of AAA gaming keeps my sanity in check, why would I trade that in.

    It's either that or I drink myself into a hole 🤷‍♂️

    @Fast-Nop 🤔but that's exactly what I do.
    "Management say they want X", I build them X however I please.
    Ins and outs matter, not the process.
  • 4
    Lets be honest guys, most AAA games suck. You can buy something more fun for 1/3 the price.
  • 0
    Is there a reason to even use pc or any technology? Lets all go and live in the mountains!
  • 2
    I agree. Board up all your windows! Banish the evil rays of the flaming god-ball!

    ...wait, I think I'm in the wrong thread
  • 0
    There's no reason to keep using computers. Don't buy games that need computers to run. Don't take any jobs that require you to use computers. If you see a computer, smash it to bits.

    Eventually, everyone will fall in line.
  • 3
    I don't know man, in my more than 10 years of Programming I've never once been bound to use M$ Office products, as I had LaTeX for my documents.
    Never had to work with customers who were hell bent on using MS Products either.

    So making Office the biggest issue on why not to use Linux seems very obtuse to me.

    And what usability or user experience goes, MS can't even come close to what I can do in Linux or how I can change the experience to my liking from the most basic things to the most complex ones due to the customizability of Linux distros.

    The compatibility stuff on different platforms. Yes, that could be better. Different packagemanagers do make it hard to manage dependencies.
    Then again, I prefer to have just ONE copy of the same library in my system opposed to either static copies in the deployed application or a redistributable (which destroys the compatibility claim all together).

    Why use Linux? Ask that the peeps that do server or low-level stuff. They'll tell ya.
  • 0
    @shoop give up usability and convenience? While I agree with the rest (except for the office suites), I'd like to see your review on the most popular and easy to use DE's, then!
  • 1
    @NoToJavaScript Libre not being an option is an opinion, not a fact. Source: I've been at companies where they (not the biggest ones ever but still quite reasonable) only worked with Libre and Google docs. It pretty much worked well for all employees and they saved shittons of money on licensing costs!
  • 1
    @Fakerlol I'm still asking why.
    I don't use windows servers for anything.
  • 0
    TLDR if the app is windows based don't use it??? sorry man but that's 90% of what I use. What I want is mutahars poor shame setup though
  • 0
    There's no reason to keep having gay sex. ...
  • 0
    @luphoria I'm pretty sure you can find replacements.
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