
I wish I had programming friends I could talk to. I have no one I can really talk about all this with

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    Whatcha wanna talk about?
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    You mean irl friends, or do online friends count too? cuz you can find good friends here
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    we can if you want
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    @alexbrooklyn just programming in general. I only have one friend irl I can really talk to about it but he’s not a programmer he works in IT.

    I don’t really have anyone I can bounce ideas off of, talk about programming news, talk about languages in depth, talk about concepts, work on a fun project with, or even ask questions about shit I don’t know.

    I just don’t really have anyone I can talk to about programming.

    The only programmer I know doesn’t really like to talk about anything besides what they’re currently working on or the projects they’re working on and that’s fine but there’s nothing else really and it’s rare we talk
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    @Bubbles get discord or telegram or something.

    There's loads of servers to join, you can meet some ppl and get close to them then have private chats where you bounce ideas and shit.
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    @Stuxnet I’m in a lot of servers but there’s no one that really conversantes with me
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    @Bubbles become aggressively conversational and outgoing then lmfao

    I've got a big mouth and talk a fuck ton and eventually people start talking back to me. Just takes time
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    @Stuxnet but don’t you ever just get the feeling to sit in a coffee shop or diner or sumn and talk about some programming?
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    If you're fine with online friends then it'll be cool to be friends
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    @SoldierOfCode I primarily use discord lmao but sure i can add you when I get some free time later
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    @Jung I’m always down for programming friends
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    Enjoy it, once you get a job the people around you won't shut up about programming until you clock out.
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    @AlgoRythm I’m alright with that
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    @Bubbles you say that now but it'll change lol
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    @Bubbles May I ask you, where are you based?
    Depending on that, you may be able to join Meetup groups (e.g. LNUG if you're in London), there are others as well (some Hashnode lead ones for instance).
    If you're in the UK, I could recommend you some.
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    @Berkmann18 I’m in America I went to my first meetup last year in July and it was so much fun. I’m planning to go to others but at that point it’s just whether it fits Into my schedule, and how expensive it is
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    Ah Bubbles, I knew this may well be you.

    FWIW, it's not uncommon to not really have anyone outside of work to talk to about coding - I'm rather similar. Have a few friends from uni days I occasionally chat to about it, but beyond that it's just a few work people.
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    @AlmondSauce I’m glad I’m not alone with the pain, I empathize with you
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    @Bubbles https://wiki.hackerspaces.org/Ohio

    I have zero experience with makerspaces in the US, but the ones I've visited in Europe were always full of awesome people. Many do charge monthly membership fees, but a lot of them also have open meetings and one-off workshops.

    Topics/activities might not always be directly dev related, but you'll find that people who are into things like 3D printing, CNC & electronics usually also have a laptop full of coding projects.

    Even if you don't join any club, visiting a few workshops could be a good way to meet people who are interested in coffee shop meetups & hackathons.
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    @bittersweet oh that’s awesome thanks
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    @Bubbles let's add each other. Which platform you prefer?
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    @Jung discord definitely BubbsTheSupreme#0157
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    same problem here mayn
    i have one friend irl @wamiqurrehman
    but he lives in different city :(
    And i really wish for some C# friends i even posted this


    but i didnt get any response 😥😥😥
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    I feel it really bad as well, I WILL RESPOND
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    I can relate! I don't know a single person I can talk to about programming in depth. I have one friend who likes to program and knows I'm very passionate about programming, and I can definitely talk to him about it, but the thing is he's pretty much a light hobbyist whereas I am making it a lifestyle. So I still can't really get too in depth because he just isn't as passionate about it and isn't as hardcore about his studies.
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    @gittenger are you me from another universe?
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    @Bubbles Haha x) Probably.
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    @gittenger the situation is too similar
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    @Bubbles I try to talk about programming to other friends and family too, but none of them know anything about it really. I'm sure you've had many of THOSE conversations...where you basically just want to tell someone how cool the stuff you've been learning is, but there's no real way to convey it effectively. You end up having to explain in a super-nutshell how the internet works first and then it's just like....ahhh dammit, just forget it! LOL
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    @gittenger dude YES I can’t even. I would try to talk to my boomer of a mother about it or literally anyone and no one even tries to act interested. I end up just thinking “I should just stop they clearly don’t care”
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    don't we all need a friend?
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