How often do you shutdown your computer?

  • 6
    What's that? Some form of update? Lol
  • 9
    @ScribeOfGoD I'm asking because 90% of complaints i see with windows are regarding updates. I shut mine down every day and have had no problems with updates...
  • 2
    @arcsector a few times every day lol
  • 1
    @Stuxnet i knew you would; you're not the person who goes on devRant to complain about updates
  • 3
    only when it either crashes or battery drains to 0 because I fell asleep with lappy on my belly or did not plug the charger's cord in properly.

    `sudo reboot` and `sudo shutdown -h now` is not something I have used for a looong time [months]
  • 3
    Home: daily
    Work: Friday afternoon
  • 0
    Once a month, I guess.
  • 0
    Windows: once a week, max
    Linux: about the same
    BSD: never, lel
  • 0
    Does sleep or hibernate count?
  • 6
    Why would you let a non-server run when you're not there?
    Normal mainboards and power supplies are not made for 24/7 service so the will age more quickly.
    Also imagine all the wasted energy...
  • 2
    At least y'all are honest
  • 2
    ± Every day
  • 2
    Once every few weeks... but I run Linux and my password is needed for the updates to start..
  • 3
    Every day, and almost never had an issue with windows updates
  • 3
    Home - after using it, so at least once a day.

    Work - IT restarts it every Sunday.
  • 0
    @netikras My laptop would just go into hibernation if the battery drops to a certain threshold.
  • 1
    Every couple of weeks? Maybe months? Usually just to make all the lights in the room go off.

    I'm using Debian, so it doesn't start dying of old age after a few days like another OS I could name 😋

    I restart my work lappys (OSX) every month or two for updates.
  • 1
    Daily, once I don't need it anymore for the day. Both at my company and for my private machine.
  • 0
    @Root in my experience osx dies of old age after about two years... especially the desktops... which model are you using?
  • 1

    Even better, shutdown now

    Best yet, poweroff
  • 0
    Never, i literally have the case key set to Hibernate and i manually press it as a mental break (it helps that it is big, red, and hexagonal x)
    Then i shut off the power breaker on the extension cord going to it for good measure. (i do this to preserve its capacitors)

    Takes less than half a minute with the 660p Intel nvme drive i bought... money well spent.
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