
Apple must have people really good at IDA Pro macOS masks the uname -a string perfectly. Side note: macOS is the best Linux distro.

  • 8
    linux fanboys
  • 1
    It's okay, I guess. It's decently stable, has nice features, and it's very smooth. I'm quite happy with it on my work lappys, but I would never use on my personal machines. It's too limiting.
  • 8
    *best BSD distro
  • 0
    @Root use it as one my work laptops and for personal use at home. Never found any limitations on it save for gaming, but I ain't gaming on anything other than Windows
  • 4
    Why would the need people who are good at taking apart binaries? Simply replace the uname command, done.
  • 5
    Lol, macOS is a BSD distro not GNU/Linux...
  • 2
    - Docker is a shitshow on macOS
    - OpenGL & Vulkan anyone ? (moltenVK shouldn't even exist)
    - The high price
    - The pain of developing shell scripts that work the same way on Linux & macOS
    - The awesome tiling mode but the horrible standard desktop mode
    - Not enough shortcuts

    Linux isn't perfect, but you can do wathever the fuck you want with it and you have the latest server technologies with you anywhere (phone, laptop, toaster, ...)
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