One day (maybe) I will understand how the "bestest IDE in the world" (cit.) can consume over 10Gb of memory just... for being open while not editing any file or anything.

Just in case you're wondering I'm talking about VsCode and yes I know it's not an IDE just in case you want to point out :-) It's just I see more and more people referring to it as it was one.

  • 1
    I think too many extensions all running at the same time can cause this kind of thing.
  • 2
    What makes it not being an IDE?
  • 1
    Even notepad++ can run scripts and be made to compile things. So it could be considered an IDE of sorts. Vscode is much more sophisticated than that.
  • 2
    When someone installs every extension and theme... maybe it can get to that kind of resource usage.

    It sits around 2GB for me, with 4 instances running.
  • 1
    saw a similar thing with VsCode, there were multiple Code Helper processes trying to index the codebase to (i can only guess) help provide an autocomplete when typing.
  • 0
    Who claims that it’s the best ide? That’s complete bullshit.
  • 0
    "Language services"
  • 2
    *laughs in jetbrains
  • 5
    @SortOfTested *laughs in multiple languages not supported by jetbrains*


    i use vsCode purely so I can use 1 editor for everything I need to do and work with, workspaces plugins per workspace keep the resources down and each project can utilise the plugins it needs instead of everything being enabled all the time.
  • 1
    Shhhh.... It's okay, *laughs in is always a soft troll ;)
  • 2
    @SortOfTested 😂*muhahahahahaha*
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