
I need a hobby or someone to yell at me until I take a break from working all day every day.

Then again if I had a home office I probably wouldn't need to put in 12 hours to get 6 hours of work done.

But I still need something to do besides work and family. And someone to kick my butt until I do it and relax.

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    - Sports/Gym.
    - Become food tester.
    - Reading books.
    - New Friends.
    - Sleep.
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    You could try to do a few hours of work in your local library instead of home?

    Or even just go relax there by reading a book.
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    As @FahadAlt said: sport/gym, however, make sure it's something you don't do alone, so that there'll be a person motivating/reminding you to go...
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    Just clarifying, you mean someone to yell you to get work done?
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    What about learning to play some instrument? Like guitar, it's pretty easy compared to other ones (if you don't aim to become a musician of course)
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    @root BDSM. Everything you might want to disconnect. It's literally granting someone sudo privileges over every aspect of your being. That will make you take a break from the dancing lines of jiberish we call coding.
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    @FahadAlt Friends. That's what I need.

    @Quirinus I would, but libraries frown on videoconferencing due to the noise.

    @jesustricks The opposite. I don't stop working unless I'm forced to.
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    @Root if you're into worldbuilding, writing, tabletop gaming etc. the WorldAnvil discord community is really nice, I go there sometimes just to hang out on the worldbuilding channels for a break. Maybe write a few paragraphs in the world I'm constructing for an upcoming d&d session, then get back to work.

    (WorldAnvil is nice in general)
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    @rutee07 ☹
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