
Completely switched to linux now when I do development. It's a fucken bliss.

  • 9
    Linux is for neeeeeeeeerds
  • 1
    @AleCx04 you called? Lol
  • 1
    I wish to one day make the switch over 100% (minus gaming of course).
  • 3
    @Bubbles I did it PLUS gaming.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 hell yeah it is.
  • 0
    @Jilano No, because I don't like that game genre.
  • 0
    lovely, right?

    I was hesitant, I was developing on my company Macbook Air, but got insecure about using company laptop at home, carrying it with me so bought a Xiaomi Notebook Pro which has 16GB RAM and 2 M.2 slots so windows for gaming and linux mint for developing then got bored of constant rebooting to switch between the two OS so now I installed VirtualBox and created a MacOS Catalina VM but its choppy, laggy as fuck so I gave up and created an ubuntu vm like I should have right at the beginning
  • 1
    I don't like getting used to new keyboard shortcuts
  • 0
    @ReimarPB You don't have to, and you can customize shortcuts quite often. Sometimes, you have to recompile something when they're hard-coded tho lol
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