
Fighting phone addiction. Do you know an iOS app that let me track my (monthly, weekly, daily) phone usage that doesn't require all time GPS tracking permission? Moment, Flipd, Offtime, BreakFree all requre GPS traking.

  • 1
    I don't know really, I'm no iOS user, but is faking your GPS an option?
  • 6
    I thought iOS came with screen time? Or does that require GPS?
  • 2
    Why do you have social media on your phone in the first place? Delete that shit. Only check on your computer twice a day.

    Really, delete it. I've never installed a social media app in my life.
  • 5
    @Chrupiter typed as they use devRant...
  • 4
    Screen time. It's in settings.

    It breaks down to day/week usage per app.

    Also, it says I get way more notifications from here then work 😅

    Edit: you can also setup limits to specific apps, so it won't open... unless you press ignore 👀
  • 2
    @Chrupiter He never mentioned social media.

    But @heyheni do you use loads of social media on your phone? If yes, I'd advice to remove those apps!

    I remember I had my phone in my hand a lot when I used social media but I quit about everything and now I even put my phone away for an entire day or hours sometimes 😄
  • 1
    @catgirl "Only check on your computer twice a day"
  • 1
    @linuxxx True, probably because I've read "media" in the tags and thought about that.
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