
I'm regretting writing my API in node.... But GoLang is kinda a pain in the ass too.

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    The main thing i dont like is the migration-libs that exist. its either writing the migrations manual, automatic adding of columns or generating database dependent sql.
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    Out of poor interest... can you shed some light on why you regret it?
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    @maxx555 it's a lot heavier than it needs to be and the fact that it's dynamic instead of typed causes a lot of undefined variables and inconsistencies.

    It also is hard to read and understand because of all the asynchronous code. Sometimes there's an await and async sometimes there isn't.

    It's just not a consistent language and that's something that I want for an APIs codebase.
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    well that's one of the biggest advantages and disadvantages of an untyped language,I don't want to make wrong assumptions but it's sounds like you haven't been working with NodeJs/JavaScript for a long time...
    it has a lot to offer but and there are too many different "standards" that make it confusing at first, but these dynamic/weird code pieces can do quite a lot in the right hands.
    It all depends on the needs of the product in the end and such.
    You can trash every language and i do agree the some stuff are really weird but I guess nothings perfect like you said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I love JavaScript/NodeJs, especially with express oder graphql, you can build a lot of cool things in almost no time
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    @maxx555 I agree it does have some really great advantages especially when working with a web framework like expressjs. Just being able to set a request variable on the fly doesn't compare to anything like GoLang. However it can get very messy and complicated especially with all the different standards like you mentioned.
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