
So the new Arduino Portenta h7 is programmable in JS. Some people just want to watch the world burn!

  • 5
    Or they just want to make it accessible. JS is easier than plain C for a lot of people to get into. I could see some people try it out with JS and then with C.
  • 6
    I'm all in for accessibility but on the other hand this will enable some fuckwits to go around yelling "JS is so great you can even do embedded stuff with it. All other oldie languages will die out soon. Don't bother learning them!" I can really imagine certain people I know to yell that to me...
  • 4
    Isn't the point of these devices to have a light footprint when it comes to programming with them.

    How does Js work into that?

    Well, now we await the "can it play doom" tests.
  • 2
    @don-rager You could do that way before though. Nothing new.
  • 0
    Will this new arduino pro gonna be a microcomputer like raspberry pi or still a microprocessor? I saw in the trailer that it can run tensorflow
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