So I am a Junior Dev in this small company. We have different tasks for the current sprint so I don't care what my teammates are doing. Then came the integration of our works, where a Mid Dev was assigned to create a Carting/Basket service. As we are integrating, I noticed that we are passing data to his service as is. We are passing the price, item name, etc. on his API. I asked him why the fuck are we not passing the IDs of the items instead. He didn't understand what I'm saying and instead defended his work. I showed him how I was able to manipulate the total amount of items I added to cart. He wasted almost 6 days of developing. Ughh.

  • 3
    yehaa!!! 😄 ordering free stuff by opening the browser console 🙌😃👍
  • 1
    Critical domains like purchasing are absolutely the sort of thing you need to give your slightly more than junior level people.
  • 1
    It's not terribly wrong to pass data instead of an ID of an item like that. In a microservice architecture where services are separate, it's a custom that each service domain has its own copy of an item. They can share some kind of GUID but the ID's are going to be arbitrary.

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