looking for job opportunities from South America, i found this.

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    Ephesoft is proud of being cunts
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    The cringe i feel after read that is undescribable.
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    @kescherRant yeah they are, i was feeling amazed by them when reading what they do and how they do it, in my mind i was thinking, yeah this is an awesome job, love what they do, i match all the skills, this is perfect. Then go down and found that shit. Truly disappointed.
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    Equal, but only accepts us candidates
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    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a USA organization founded by congress in the 60s.

    When you see Equal Opportunity, it doesn't mean they offer "equal opportunity," it means they follow the standards of the organization.
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    @wannabe yeah that is true. anyways sounds weird and bad put those two sentences in the same paragraph.
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    @wannabe this startup is complaining with the same, but they are truly inclusive
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    @ElPapi42 you'd think, but the last 6 words would argue otherwise. "Or any other legally protected status"

    This isn't a meritocracy, and people will be hired based on being liked, good looking, having connections, random chance, or another point which is arguably not relevant, yet it is perfectly legal to do so. There is no law that says you cant hire someone because of those reasons, or deny someone employment on the same grounds.

    The law surrounding this is designed to prevent people from being "born into" an impossible life, but doesn't mean that everyone should get the same opportunity. Only that they would not be denied from opportunity.

    Likewise, equal does not mean fair. Inclusive is not always a good thing. Exclusive not always a bad thing. Often, what harms one group benefits another, there is never enough time to do it all right, and money always is a factor.

    Be wary of those who claim to be inclusive in business. After all, they are in business ;)
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    It's because US people are more equal than others.
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    @Lensflare jajajajajaja that must be
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