if you were inside a zombie apocalypse, where would you go, what would you do

  • 8
    cd ~
    watch /dev/door

    And load my shotgun.
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    I'd sneak out of Wuhan.
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    I'd grab my reenactment gear and head for where we perform in the summer, it's outside the cities and there are lots of pheasants to hunt :-)
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    Day 1?
    - sporting goods store, guns and ammo
    - take all the pump paintball guns for when shit calms down
    - hardware store, 68 Calibre ball bearings
    - build pole arms
    - find high ground, clean water, good soil
    - steal a still
    - commit suicide once I realize it's just generally not worth it
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    @SortOfTested noisy gunshots are likely to attract more of them.

    I'd stick with the good ol' cold weapons. Machette, the classic - baseball bat with nails, a fiscars axe with a long handle,...

    For the first day I'd be stashing up. I've already got plenty stuff in my survival bagback, I just need more canned goods. And weapons. Then - off to a more distant place. Where I could build my own fortress before they come for me. I already have a few places in mind just for that occasion!

    You never know when the end of the world comes.. :)
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    I would die
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    Tsss... All weapons nobofy really can handle... As far as i know zombies cant swim into the deep ocean. Also, waterpressure is a thing. So with that in mind.

    I would commandeer entire fleets and relocate as much of society as possible on the open sea.. Water, energy, purification, agricultural activity, factories, fisherfleets to fish for garbage, recycle for raw materials, and build solod defense on water, at least 2 km deep into the shore..

    Fortify with heavy artillery to enable shellibg thz shores from safe distance. Herding the zombies by flying drones over them with some irresistable lure hanging on those drones... Herd lile cattle, then shell the living dead out of them.
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    Badically combine these things:

    Suisei no gargantia meets meets heavy object meets aldnoah zero meets knights of sidonia, with a slice of highschool od the dead... Did i say slice? I meant to day a fuckton of it.

    Yes i love my quality anime.
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    @NeatNerdPrime all the fanservice aside I really liked highschool of the dead, solid zombie apoc worldbuilding and storytelling.
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    @ArcaneEye ah, i see you're person of culture too :-)
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    @SortOfTested actually, i do have a job and good income lately, and oh yeah some romances too. So i guesd i leveled up? ;-)
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    But srsly, on topic. get as many people on the sea on massive large space on the seashores, and bombard the zombies from afar.

    As for people on land. Best bet is to build solid fortifcations and create a funneling defense system that literally grinds the zombies for raw materials.
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    It depends on how the zombies are.
    But I would probably get to a safe place and code. A lot.
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    @NeatNerdPrime Sounds pretty Minecraft.
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    @NeatNerdPrime honestly, in a real apocalypse event, it's not the thought of zombies that scare me...

    Humans on the other hand...

    I find anime mostly run in tropes I don't care for anymore, and it's hard to justify spending time on it over more productive things, for me at least.

    I'll sit and watch dokuro-chan once a year at least just to refresh the madness though :-p
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    @NeatNerdPrime If im correct USS Missouri is still afloat...
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    As a ghost, I’d fly around and explore the world. Plus I can literally get into things. I’d find stuff that humans would never be able to find.
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    I would go outside said zombie apocalypse and continue with my day. :)
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    I ll join the zombies n teach them how to party 🥳 .
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