
And woke people buy Linux certificates

  • 12
    To be honest: it's really difficult to misinterpret a data as horribly as Sam Ro did there
  • 7
    Sam is naive. Wealthy individuals the world over have enormous amounts of money sheltering in real estate, purchased by holding companies with the express intent of hiding the asset from public view.
  • 7
    I like how he's comparing investment to expenses.

    One is due to an excess of money, the other is due to only having enough.
  • 4
    People who buy real estate for actually living there need loans to finance them. So they have debt.
    People who have more money than they can spend buy stocks to make even more money. They are not rich because they have stocks - they have stocks because they're rich.
  • 5
    Per person, rich people have 50 times more real estate.
  • 3
    61% equity in what? In companies that own all their real estate for them.
  • 0
    @Ubbe this!
  • 0
    @Charon92 only the rich can afford debt. Because it's cheap when you have money.
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