GUYS; STOP THE VIMIPOSTS got like all of them in the small period I‘m checkin jesus christ lord save us

  • 6
    Vim is inevitable.
  • 5
    @RememberMe I use it almost every day. But who the fuck cares jesus christ use what the fuck works for you

    How about bragging shit about tmux for once
  • 5
    You mean like #GNUScreenMasterRace? I'm game.
  • 6
    Yes, please stop, we don't want to rile the emacs crowd. Them people are savages...
  • 4

    Why do you have 9 bits in your byte? Is this some sort of modem byte or something?
  • 3
    Noooo, you can't say emacs without the stallman faithful crawling out from under the refrigerator 💀
  • 3
  • 1
    @Demolishun its cuz we are used to Elisp and Elisp makes people look shankable
  • 1
    @SortOfTested i know, I am about the only emacs user that loves everything GNU EXCEPT for Stallman. Can't stand that quirky mfker
  • 0
    How the fuck can you love everything about GNU?
    I mean, pretty much everything by GNU these days, is a bloated pile of legacy code and non-standard behavior, waiting to collapse and throw the world back into the middle ages, because everything is build on top of that garbage.
    BTW that's a serious question, I expect an answer.
  • 2
    @metamourge I don't understand this. GNU is the basis for most of the boot strapping utilities needed for *nix like OSes. At least I thought they were.
  • 1
    Not at all.
    Let's look at alpine-linux.
    It uses musl, not glibc.
    It replaces coreutils,findutils,bash with busybox.
    It uses syslinux instead of Grub.

    The linux-kernel can be compiled with clang instead of GCC (thanks to the llvm-team for working on supporting the non-standard mess that GCC introduced).

    The only reason GNU is seen as a hard-dependency of nix is, that there is so much software that is build on said non-standard implementations and now no one wants to get rid of it.
  • 1
    This. though unfortunately the first thing I usually do is re-add glibc
  • 0
    @metamourge Ah, I work at a GCC house.

    What kind of non-standard stuff are you talking about? Most of the stuff we do is straight C++ that is standards compliant (we hope).
  • 1
    GCC (regarding mostly C):
    - inline function declarations.
    - extended assembly
    - computed goto

    - reference counted dlopen
    - dlclose is an actual function instead of no-op (don't know if its still)
    - several abort-instead-of-report situations

    At least that's what I can recall from the back of my head.
  • 0
    @metamourge Interesting, I don't know, but I don't think we use any of those. A lot of our incompatibilities between platforms are masked by Qt. Also a Qt house.
  • 1
    @metamourge to be honest I was aiming more at "i love everything gnu emacs" rather than literally everything GNU. If i work with C and C++ in my machine which is normally academic stuff (read as in I have no professional experience in C or Cpp) i stick to the GCC just cuz I don't dig in deep as you probably do to know better.
    (which I really don't in terms of C or Cpp)
    Before GNU what was standard compliant thought? I am also asking seriously :V don't wanna make you think that I am being snarky or anything man
  • 1
    @AleCx04 This "not good enough because flaws" is pervasive in PC culture. I am not just talking about computers here either. MS compilers are bad because they meet standards so people started using alts like GCC and others. Now it seems GCC has "issues" so it is a pariah compared to clang. Eventually clang will find it supporting backwards compatible things and will be eclipsed by something else. So, from a philosophical point of view I reject this trend. I have work to do and being overly obsessed with the drawbacks of any given tech or people is counterproductive. Yes, I am probably reading way into this, but this is a trend I find fatiguing both inside and outside of computing. The holier than though BS is just that.
  • 1
    I only read devrant using vim and curl. How do I post, you ask? i use emacs, it can perform http requests
  • 1
    ed mustard race
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