Today someone took a shit and didn't flush...

Normally you have your typical candidates, who are pissing standing in the stalls although there are free urinals, people who don't wash their hands after pissing or just splash like 3 fingers with water. Even not washing hands after taking a dump, which is pretty disgusting... But today? Some dude in the stall next to me took a shit, wiped his butt... and went away... No flushing no washing hands... Wtf is wrong with people?

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    With all the sorts being worked on while sitting there one might simply forget to push that button. Or zip up his zipper. Or put his pants on..

    Are you a TL of Products by any chance?
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    @netikras I never forget.
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    @netikras no, I'm not the person who posts pictures of shit in general 😂
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    @manolito lets leave the shitposting to the chan-sites. I prefer to read my rants without the whiff of bad repugnant rhetorical smell.
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    Do you have any evidence? ,, No, I take that back
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