
Child Safety Software and Hardware

Everyday kids are surfing the Internet unrestricted and without parental supervision. Kids are often trusting of 'other kids' on the net. The reason is simple, the Internet allows you to interact anonymously and therefore kid's often believe that if someone instant messenger them telling them they are the same age, they feel safe. After all, they're often using the web from a school or home computer and the environment while safe is misleading.

There is a possibility that the person that the child is interacting with on the Internet is not a child at all but in fact another adult with 'adult' motives. For this reason it is always best to know what it is that your child does online.

Child Safe Chatrooms
There are some Spyware tools that monitor your child's activity online and these tools send frequent emails to you letting you know where your child has surfed and at what times. This is useful if you want to ensure that your child is not using the net to 'goof' while they are supposed to be doing homework.

There are of course other risks associated with a child using the Internet unsupervised. For example, a child may obtain your credit card details and go on a shopping spree. They may also use your card to purchase products you would otherwise not allow them too if they were in a mall. They could also release sensitive information about your privacy to strangers which could lead to identity theft, a growing problem!

There is also the Physical Risk that someone may find their home address or be able to determine their address by clues given in an email or instant messenger exchange. For example, a school name and a sport could give clues to the child's identify and location. There also remains the risk of exposure to Inappropriate Adult Material, which includes porn or hateful material. This alone can be cause for some alarm.

Child Online Safety
In order for an attacker not to be able to track the physical location of the child, it is necessary to use VPN services. We recommend VeePN for Chrome or other browsers that your child uses: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/....
This software will reliably hide your home IP address, and therefore, will not allow an attacker to know the physical location of your home. You should not save money on such services, because the physical safety of your child and your peace of mind are much more expensive.
If your child's privately identifiable information or PII is determined they may be the subject of harassment which can lead to bullying or stalking.

There are some strict rules governing the privacy of children's activity on U.S.A. web sites enacted through the COPPA rules but alas there is no way to ensure that your child only surfs compliant web sites. Please review the following products to help increase your child's safety.

More Child Online Safety Software
ContentProtect. Blocks inappropriate or time wasting web content.

Net Nanny Content-control software - protect your kids when surfing online.

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