
Is there any way to browse devRant in the office like an extension or something else rather than jsrant or xmlrant?

  • 1
    I don't think so.
  • 6
    Use the api directly?
  • 1
    @C0D4 looking forward to this :)
  • 3
  • 2
    Your phone?
  • 0
    @electrineer Android :X Actually Can't dig in phone frequently.
  • 3
    Your post motivated me to look into VS Code Extension development for the first time, which is simple af tbh. I used the rantscript nodejs library for Access to devrant. Made a few VS Code commands for Login, showing the most recent rant as info Pop-up in the bottom right and created a webview with a very rudimentary UI that lists the recent rants.

    Now I'm at that Point where I achieved my Goal of implementing a VS Code extension with a proper Idea in mind and anything more would be mostly busy work and figuring out how to best access devrant from VS Code context. Since I'm Not interested in finishing a whole devrant Extension for VS Code all by myself I will post my code to github by tomorrow. If anyone wants to iterate on it, feel free to make some PRs
  • 3
    @don-rager I found a reddit extension for VS Code called "Reddit-Viewer" that displays reddit posts and subreddits formatted as code. That could be a fun idea for folks who want to hide that they're browsing devrant.
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