
Digging tunnels with spoons

So I am a junior full stack dev in biggest e-shop in our region and they have a bad reputation among devs. I knew it, but no one hired me except them because of my lack of experience and skills. But for heaven’s sake - they issue 15 euro keyboard, 8 euro mouse and piece of crap Lenovo v330(i7 but I hate that it’s made of styrofoam). Tell me - am I too spoiled or is is really a disgrace to give someone a cheapest tools available?

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    Well, depending on what you code... you might even just need an Arduino, a screen and a keyboard, so I wouldn't complain, at least they give you something.
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    Wtf their aren't in debt with u
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    There is no spoon
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    It's their money, adjust your estimates accordingly and learn on their dime.
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    @AtuM I did the same, spent 34 percent of my salary after taxes and bought keyboard and mouse, but good laptop is out of my budget. But this whole viewpoint is wrong in my opinion - you don’t ask policemen to buy their own car or firemen to pay bills for water they use
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    @c3r38r170 I think you have meant rasberrypi.
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    Be experienced.. And moving out.
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    @Gregozor2121 I was thinking about a low budget remote workstation.
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    This was my first post in dev rant and it surprisingly works to let off the steam!:) while various companies have different viewpoints on work ethics, employee motivation and etc. my point was that low quality tools is below work “hygiene”, but that’s a personal taste. Finally - the best thing I can to is to keep learning and move to better company ASAP. Thanks all for sharing your thoughts
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    It's common in some jobs to buy your own equipment, and you can get tax relief from that. If keyboard and mouse is 34% of your salary, I would be more worried about that unless they were made of gold.
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    @electrineer I’m paid peanuts because I started at the very bottom
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    Ugh, I've been there too.

    One of the companies I worked for didn't even provide me a laptop or keyboard, and put me in a storage room for an "office." it was actually an office, but it was used for storage and was still full of boxes and shelving and a mop bucket. They also didn't pay very very well. So, I worked a second job while there. Apart from that, Ilearned what I could and left as soon as Iwas able -- or that was the plan. I actually left for personal reasons.

    Anyway, as a rule of thumb, devs should always have good hardware -- it's cheap compared to payroll anyway, and both makes the devs happier and makes their work easier. Skimping is a sign that you don't value your employees, and don't have your priorities straight.

    Now, if you're an intern or supe rjunior, cheap hardware is kind of a given because they can't trust you will stay around long enough to justify the cost -- or produce enough quality work to offset it. I've also noticed that interns and juniors damage hardware, while this is rare of anyone more experienced. small samplesize though, so this probably isn't the norm.
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    @Root hmm 'hardware is cheap compared to the payroll' doesn't apply to the majority of peripheral countries.
    Here, for example, a Macbook costs like 3 senior sallaries xd.
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    @sebach1 Macbooks are expensive no matter where you live.
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    @Root it was a reference. There isn't a decent laptop that's under a salary
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    @sebach1 Guess you'll be stuck with something cheap, then. 🙁
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    @sebach1 Mine is roughly 1.5× my junior salary, and it's 8/10; Really like it.
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    @c3r38r170 Just how little are you people making? You had better not mean yearly freaking salary. That's just insanity.
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    @Root good point but I'd assume it's monthly.
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    2 former clients made extensive use of low cost off-shoring:

    - Indian resources billed $27/hour, take home was $7
    - EPAM resources across Eastern Europe billed 35, took home ~$12

    I haven't seen lower than that, but I wouldn't put it past those greedy shit heels to ask for less.
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    @Root monthly. Here, no one talks about an annual salary, the inflation is a joke
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    @SortOfTested the saddest part of that is that the indians looks those numbers as huge.
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    @c3r38r170 un argento acá q raro (?
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