
The time to write an essay about programming in fucking LaTeX for the first time takes too fucking long!

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    Lmao I spent more time trying to make a table in latex that it took for me "interview" people and get data to fill the table.
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    Only the first few times. After a while you get the hang of it. Let's call it an acquired taste
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    I'm sure some languages have packages for converting markdown to LaTeX but maybe only some simple features are supported and aren't as configurable with pure LaTeX
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    @don-rager yeah, onve you have figured it out it's really simple and also very sexy to look at ^^ but man oh man did I sit long hours trying to implement certain things in LaTeX. For example biber/bibtex, which had to be called before certain other packages, but the compiler didn't write a helpful error message for that. So changing two lines of code was all the magic...
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    @devbf hahaha 😂 Biber is a fucker yeah... I had the exact same problem with it.

    My experience is great whatsoever as my document really worked out perfectly. I love the beamer too. it's so fast and easy to use once you got used to latex.

    And it's getting better once you have built your own methods to simplify tables for example.
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    @ShotgunSurgeon Yes it was a rough start, but once you wrote your first longer text you figured like 90% of the most common problems out. But most of the time I have to use some new packages, new problems appear which tend to take a lot longer to solve than I had planned initially ^^
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    Dude I have to do the exact same task right now and there are defenetly more fun things to do... Where you're studying at?
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    @ElCapitan I'm studying in Munich ^^
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    @devbf lol... I work in Munich
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    @ShotgunSurgeon haha such a small world ^^ where are you working at?
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    use groff
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    @devbf It's a bit too much info to post it on here. It's a small company building webshops for B2B. It's fairly close to the fh-München
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    @ShotgunSurgeon yes of course! But it's funny how many Germans there are on devRant ^^
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