I have a very annoying person in my team, who thinks he is the leader and is so full of himself that once he gets some idea he makes it final without listening to other's opinion, kinda anti-humble.
Today he was explaining that we are going to implement this feature and one of the member had a doubt which was legit so that guy started explaining it, but didn't really understood what the question was ( as he always does) he was heated up already as he was explaining the same thing again and again but it was nowhere near what the exact question was, by mistake I entered the conversation and tried to explain the question to him, he became so annoyed that he lost all his patient and shouted at me to shut up. Not only I felt bad but also found myself helpless in such situation i didn't know what to do, I was annoyed like anything, and now I think that I don't really know how to deal with annoying people such annoying and toxic people..

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    Oops messed up a few sentences....
    My mind is not at its correct place...I wrote the rant right after that shit happened lol
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    Disregarding my thoughts about humility being used as a bludgeon against the powerless by the privileged, it sounds like this guy needs a come to [Satan|Jesus|Kali|Cthulu|deity of choice] meeting

    Have the actual leader put it as a perf review item, talk to him about it, send him to some emotional intelligence training. If it doesn't stick, fire him and get someone who isn't a PITA.

    Worst case, he becomes one of your archetypal war stories to share with future colleagues over drinks and a lesson of what not to be.
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    Agreed, it is your bosses job to fix this. This person might need to ... promoted ... out of your team or something
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    Dude, just stand up to that guy and tell him that he's stupid. Chances are others would support you as well, but it doesn't matter.
    It might be his nature to be self obsessed but he must know his place.
    "The world is a mean place and it'll keep you down until you let it"
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    Doesn't work like that at most US companies, though I wish it did.

    Smug bastards on the left end of the dunning-krueger curve and the wrong side of bell hooks' tip like to string bait. They aim to make you angry because being confrontational has gotten them everywhere in life. You bite, stand up to them and the very next thing they do is paint you as the bad guy to HR, get you labeled as a threat to corporate stability and you are out.

    Tl;dr you get mad, you lose. Be smarter than them.
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    Don't you have scrum master to tell him how "team" works? Besides you can tell him why he is wrong and propose better idea.
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