
I want a name and a gun.

I've had my laptop for over 3 years now. Never, in these 3 years, have I installed Microsoft Teams on it.

I just turned my laptop on, and I now have the Ms Teams icon on my desktop, and Teams has started itself and is asking me to log in.
Control panel says it has been installed today.

I want somebody's head. And then smash it into a pulp with my bare hands and shove that up their ass.

  • 2
    @jespersh nope, just a personal laptop that I've had at home for years. Hence the murderous fury.
  • 3
    @jespersh it came preinstalled, but I never used or opened it. Not even sure how to remove it, since it doesn't show up in the program list.
  • 3
    @jespersh I'm now noticing that Office 365 ProPlus installed itself yesterday, and the whole Office suite seems to have updated itself out of nowhere.
  • 1
    Last I remember, I had made a custom installation of Office 365 on my pc, and I definitely remember excluding stuff I didn't need (like Teams) from the installation.
    So one way or another, their background updates decided to install something that I had specifically chosen not to install
  • 2
    Manual updates would normally prevent this, but I'm guessing MS stuffed the teams install into a point release.
  • 8
    The fuken teams thing.
    Office365 will autoinstall that POS. Annouying AF.
    Remove, and also remove the autoinstaller.
    Also - opt out of insights. creepy stuff.
  • 2
    @bahua I am on manual updates, and I haven't installed any in over a month. Also I'm on win8.1, not 10 (and I'll ever update this laptop to it).
    This shit literally wasn't there this morning, and I have no idea where it came from.

    @magicMirror been through this rodeo on another pc before - unfortunately, this means uninstalling the entire Office package and then manually reinstalling it with a custom configuration - because of course they don't let you uninstall individual components.
    Hell, they don't even let you choose what to install unless you go to great lengths to figure out how to configure that (and of course figuring out the right configuration is long and painfully overcomplicated).
  • 6
    @endor I the real @Irene were here he'd say "it's you fault if you don't know how to configure windows updates. I've never had this problem"
  • 5
    protip: replace the EXEs with 0-byte files. Integrity checks often miss that you did this and when run automatically it'll return instantly. It's great.
  • 4
    @Parzi thanks, I'll try that!
  • 3
    @netikras lol (at this point this is the only answer that would prevent me from blowing up)
  • 14
    That moment that it doesn't just come with backdoors, but also with frontdoors.
  • 6
    Does windows 8 have the Microsoft Store?

    Part of the MS Service Agreement.

    i. Updates. Microsoft will automatically check for and download updates to your applications, even if you’re not signed into the relevant Store. You can change your Store or system settings if you prefer not to receive automatic updates to Store applications. However, certain Office Store applications that are entirely or partly hosted online may be updated at any time by the application developer and may not require your permission to update.
  • 6
    @C0D4 nice so they gave themselves permission to do whatever they want and don’t stop people to pay for it.

    I like this world more and more.
  • 4
    @vane yep.
    But the Windows license is just a license.
    You never own it, they do.

    So buried deep in that EULA nobody ever read, and attached to a link nobody ever clicked, is a giant "we can do what ever we want, when ever we want, however we want, and you can't do shit about it clause" that you, the licensee pressed "I agree" on.
  • 2

    Distrotube did an April Fool's install and test drive of Windows 10 two years ago, and he read much more of the EULA than most people ever read, just to illustrate(in a tongue-in-cheek way) its absolutely onerous terms.
  • 4
    @C0D4 installing a whole new application is not an update
  • 3
    @electrineer I'm sure there's some clause in the office agreement somewhere that teams is a replacement for Skype to cover it as an update.

    Don't make me go trawl through legal docs ๐Ÿ˜‚
  • 4
    @bahua I haven't read a EULA since Windows XP.


    Something caused office pro plus to install and in which case, has caused teams to show up based on this guy.


    In the past, Microsoft Teams was a separate installation from Office 365 ProPlus. But starting with Version 1902, Teams is included as part of new installations of Office 365 ProPlus.
  • 3
    @C0D4 wow skype for business will be retired 31 July 2021 so they now forcing everyone to switch to teams.

    They are after slack so much right now.
  • 3
    @vane they have to stay relevant somehow. Skype was a miserable effort, teams I'm not a fan off but it works well most of the time.

    I still use slack where possible though.
  • 3
    @C0D4 wow. Just fucking wow.
    "We're rolling an update, and we're forcing shit down your throat by default without telling you anything about it. You're welcome!".
    I fucking hate this world.

    Thank you for the link btw, I'll be updating my configuration asap.
  • 4
    @endor would be nice to have.. I don't know... I list of updates like win7 days you can pick and choose what you want, maybe not security issues, but anything optional should remain optional.
  • 3
    @C0D4 what, and let users think that they have control over their own devices? Are you mad?
  • 3
    @endor whoops, I forgot to take my pills today.
  • 1
    Not saying I like it ( I don't ), but sounds just like behavior oh many software companies. Constantly have unasked for stuff show up on my phone. Constantly have slack and Atlassian products pushing new integrations in my face. I'm sure some think of those things as features. I do not.
  • 3
    @rutee07 ๐Ÿ˜ฑits a you????

    It's his laptop (hardware wise), just not his OS.
  • 6
    Yep. But hey, at least they gave you aids in your "start menu" :)

    Edit: Ads, I meant ads probably
  • 1
    @SortOfTested same difference really. Although you can disable those if you dig in the group policy editor (gpedit.msc).
  • 2
    @endor Have you heard about the mandatory NSA fix that everybody were supposed to install in order to prevent hackers fucking up your pc?
    That was rather important, did you install it? If not you should read about it at least.
  • 2
    Yeah I got this too, it's Windows Update. I suspect you are also on the insider preview? It seemed to come with 19551 or something.

    I disabled the startup service and deleted the icon within 0.000001 seconds of seeing that bullshit.
  • 0
    I know how do you feel, recently I start work on freelance project with C# and I took my old windows laptop to work on it and when I started install the visual studio I choose to not install all the rest crappy stuff that comes within.

    And there's nothing related to teams on installation and I deactivated all the others options.

    Conclusion, the teams was installed anyway after yesterday my windows update. I guess now to have the teams isn't anymore a option. Probably it's mandatory and in future probably you'll have to log in on the teams to use the products.
  • 0
    @endor I think it's because you had Skype for Business. Microsoft said they were discontinuing S.f.B and replacing it with Teams.
  • 2
    @Gregozor2121 you mean the vulnerability that they disclosed about a week ago? Yeah, I heard about that, working on fixing it.

    @AlgoRythm are you talking about win8.1 or win10? Laptop is on 8.1 and I've disabled automatic updates.

    @messhias You should be able to remove it pretty easily (at least for now) - it showed up as a separate program in the control panel, so hitting 'Uninstall' should be all it takes.
  • 1
    @wifi thing is, I can't find a way to actually remove it. But maybe I just haven't dug deep enough.
  • 0
    @electrineer Tell that to Android, macOS, iOS etc.

    As much as I hate that, it's a world we live in.

    You want to trade “convenience” for “control of your system” ? Linux is there.
    Otherwise, not much to do
  • 0
    This is one of the reasons I prefer linux
  • 1
    @cyanide6033 True.

    But I don’t like system where any update can cause you 5 hjours research on why grub is not working and XServer fails.

    I trade liberty for stability and comfort.
  • 1
    @NoToJavaScript that's why Debian exists. Not every distro runs on bleeding edge software.
  • 1
    Ah, so I'm not the only one who had teams pop up when I booted my PC today. Good to know.
    Also I don't even have office on it, wtf...
  • 0
    Just wait until next week when they start uninstalling slack, and redirecting the slack launcher to something that asks you to try teams instead. #NoThanksNadella
  • 1

    Maybe thats what they WANTED you to think?

    Maybe you were really backdooring your pc FOR the NSA all along.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack Even if it was they would quickly regret backdooring my PC.
  • 1
    Thought experiment.

    Imagine a world where linux didn’t exist. It was Windows or iOS. For whatever reason it just ended up that way.

    Would we still care about shit like this? I’m not saying I like it. I’m just wondering if sometimes we get mad about shit like this in the same way a retiree gets mad about worms in his lettuce patch.
  • 0

    So, would we care about annoyances, or notice them, if we had no choice but to deal with them? I think we would.
  • 0
    But would we be annoyed by things that didnt disturb our arguably magnified sense of ownership and control? We are developers. I think we get so used to the feeling of cause and effect that we instinctively hate anything that peturbs this. I get it, I really do...I just sometimes stand back and wonder.
  • 1
    A lack of options does not equal contentment. If an annoyance with an operating system existed, it would still annoy people, even if they didn't have the freedom to use something else.
  • 0
    My logic flawed. I like this response
  • 0
    Get a life guys. Being frustrated over this kind of shiet means u have problems
  • 1
    While y’all still fuck with windows is beyond me.
  • 0
    One word you already know

  • 0
    @jak645 I use that already, that's not the topic of this post
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