
I'm having this strange problem I cannot figure out:
2 Linux servers with docker
one of them acts as docker registry, the other either pull or push to that registry.

Pull works without issues.
Push: pushes to itself, the server is not pushing to docker registry even though the container is tagged with registry ip:port/name

Anyone has a clue, SO not being helpful on this :\

  • 1
    Tag would mean something like lates. Maybe you mean name of the image? If not you should try maybe. What are the commands you execute?
  • 0
    @hypervtechnics I'm sorry not following what you mean?

    But anyways for passing I'm using: docker push registry.local/imageName:latest
  • 0
    You tag for export in docker, the format is:


    Tag lets you create a second image that points at your local image. The second image definition contains the registry target you're going to push to. Once you have the tag in place, just push the resulting reference image:

    docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]

    docker tag rhel-httpd registry-host:5000/myadmin/rhel-httpd

    docker push registry-host:5000/myadmin/rhel-httpd
  • 0
    It worked now, not sure what was the cause rebooted my VM and restarted registry and now I can see my images there
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