
That horrible, dreadful, feeling when your openvpn server is not working as intended anymore, and yet you can't remember what was the last thing you changed a few weeks ago.
Even worse, one client seems to still work just fine, while another seems completely broken.

- pc1 (windows): all good
- phone 1 (android 8.1): no connectivity, both internal and external
- phone 2 (android 7): all good

All with the exact same config.

If there is a god, I must be in hell. Otherwise I cannot see the point of this sensless torture.

  • 5
    Aaaand a reboot fixed it.

    Fuck this shit, fuck this shit so much.
  • 5
    Always start from the bottom of the OSI stack and work your way up.

    And just to be thorough, add Layer 0: electricity
  • 1
    @Root Layer -1: Reality in itself
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