I automatically assume every brown fave avatar here belonging to indian users. Am I racist?

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    Statistics are not racist. 🤦‍♀️
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    Yes, I am portuguese. But don't worry, I'm developer first XD
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    I assume every broken english post is indian. I AM racist.
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    I don't know... your avatar isn't quite white , I'll flag you as Asian and see what happens.
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    @C0D4 You'd only over-estimate his intelligence, except if he were a Jew of course. But in that case, he'd be good at either chess or a musical instrument, so we can probably rule out this possibility.
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    @yellow-dog Me love you project long time! Me so dev!
    (Let's see who can catch the reference. ^^)
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    @HelsinkiCodes I automatically assume every brown avatar here belongs to a street shitter.
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    I thought the yellow ones are blonds
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    @yggleftright yellow = chinese
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    Not racist, just ignorant, but no one knows everything. If you're ok with assuming it, it doesn't really hurt anyone, you do you
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    @Hazarth I tend to downvote brown faced avatars’ posts more than white face ones, for equal crimes. What does it mean?
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    @pmso portugese = Spanish indian for me.
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    @aviophile combined with your belief that they are all indians it probably means that you absolutely hate all their stupid annoying tutorials on youtube and subconciously realize that statistically most of the are really annoying. Dunno
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    @Hazarth I stop watching tutorials by indians immediately, like “hell no pajit”.
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    @aviophile me too, the second I hear that stupid accent I have to shut it down. Im sure some of them are good programmers but I can't deal with the impossible to understand broken english shit. To a lesser degree I have the same problem with russian tutorial though. I dont want to spend all my mental energy on decoding the broken accent -_- it doesn't help that the accent makes them sound kinda dumb
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    @Hazarth The difference is that the Russian education system is better, and Russian programmers are a lot sharper.

    Most code from India looks like they have been changing shit randomly, then copy/pasted (while sometimes forgetting the changes) until it finally compiled and did almost half of what it was supposed to do. In case the client declines, they can still re-use it for a tutorial to make at least some money from YT ad revenues.
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