I fucking hate pulling overtime because of deadlines. Already 4 hours overtime this week. Private life: zero.


  • 2
    I had 110+ hours (not as a developer) and they only paid half of it because I didn't deserve it ... since then I don't do overtime
  • 6
    @MPKaboose pretty sure that's illegal even in Romania
  • 0
    we dont get paid for our overtime...
  • 0
    @kescherRant indeed, but nobody cares
  • 3
    I fucking hate pulling private life because of no deadlines. Already 4 hours private life this week. Overtime: zero.

  • 0
    @electrineer Oh ho ho ho, we are so funny.
  • 0
    I used to bring a sleeping bag to the office. It sucks.
  • 1
    Unless it's a major issue.. as in production has dropped dead and won't bring itself back up, then no, no overtime, Sure the odd 30
    minutes here and there doesn't hurt though, but hours is a different story.

    I used to work 60-80 hours a week, getting that back down to under 40, and being paid more now, then I was at those hours gives me no reason to return.

    If your employer expects overtime and can't be reasonably flexible - a few days won't kill the budget, a few weeks could though - with deadlines, you aren't worth much to them.

    Know what you are worth, and more still, know what you are worth to the company if you leave and make sure they know it too.
    Will it take a junior to replace you or will they need to hire 4-5 devs to replace you?
  • 0
    @HelsinkiCodes I'm not the head of planning. It's out of my control.
  • 1
    @C0D4 One junior and one Systems Engineer for. Yes, I know, don't suck up to the company.
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