
Apple drops plan for E2E encrypted backups after FBI pressure: https://reuters.com/article/...

And one step at a time, the world goes deeper and deeper into shit...

  • 4
    ๐Ÿค”one small step for world domination, one giant leap for anti-privacy.

    Guess I'll be keeping tabs on this page for a while.
  • 8
    The fact that the FBI is even able to put "pressure" on Apple just confirms once more that the US have already become a police state.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t Not every, Google is pretty much intact...ehm

    Also these iPhone unlocking shit-shows FBI brings up from time to time are IMO just a fucking comedy. Why would they ask for unlocking if they obviously can do it by themselves in a day or two? And criminals don't use Android at all?!
  • 1
    @lamka02sk Google is far from intact.

    And by doing this over and over again with terrorism cases, they can get the general population on their side (or, try to) as for removing or weakening or backdooring (end to end) encryption.
  • 0

    Yeah but thats just an opportunity for a stock buyback.
  • 0
    So what are we left with ?
    Apple ? No!
    Google ? No!
    Microsoft ? No!
  • 2
    And additionally, if it’s about this fucking terrorism and just about backups:

    I wonder if terrorists are smart enough to turn iCloud backups off.
  • 0
    @linuxxx I mean from the data leaks. There really aren't that many and even if, nobody cares, because for most people is Google sacred. This sucks and I honestly don’t trust Google a bit about my data.
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