
Deadline tomorrow and deploying right now. Fucking nervous.

Bugs bugs bugs I'm afraid of them

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    I mean, you have tests, right?
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    @alexbrooklyn no. I'm a one man "army" working on a decent sized project. I know I should have tests but I couldn't be bothered to do that. I'm getting veeeery underpaid anyways (less than minimum wage in my country for 8 months of work, not per month, for the full 8 months). I'm young and that's my first client so I'm happy with it. It works, but still, scared af.
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    @ItsaMeTuni if your salary is lower than what is allowed by the law, then I'll advise you to talk to your employer and try to change it. It might sound a bit scary, but it's important to stand up for your rights - especially at a young age. It's no secret that young employees can be exploited more easily, and many employers take advantage of that. So If you don't stand up for your rights, no one else will.
    It's also a good idea to find a list of young workers' rights in your country. I've met kids who got screwed by their employer without ever knowing.
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    If it breaks, it breaks. You probably did your best given the circumstances and that's pretty much all there is to it.

    If it does break, come back tomorrow and do your best to fix it, that's all there is to it really.
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    @PaperBag it's a very informal job and technically my "employer" is not breaking any laws. We had agreed on a set amount she'd be paying me from day one and I'm basically selling the app, not my time (idk if that makes sense). The thing is that the app took way longer to do than I originally thought it would. Plus I accepted a lower amount of money since it's a niche without apps of this kind, so she will recommend me to other people on the same field and then I'll make more money selling the app to those people. But I'll rewrite the app in flutter for that and turn it into a service rather than a buy once kinds thing (I also plan to use unit tests all over frontend and backend this time around so I don't have to worry about this when deploying again).
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    @theuser yeah, you're right. Thanks for the kind words!
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    @ItsaMeTuni welcome to the wonderful world of web dev over worked and the checks in the mail
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