
story time
today I learned how to license a git hub project have I finally made it to intermediate developer?
------if Ur interested in a little something I did just for fun--------

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    @shoop yep your right I should fix that thank you!
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    @shoop oh no you were kind of right it can repeat values that shouldn't be repeated through it
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    @shoop and if your wondering why it hasn't been added yet its that I plan on using noisy images of a lava lamp to generate randomness so I am just saving for server equipment
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    @shoop No, don't generate "own" randomness. Just use the OS' CSPRNG. It has already those things (and more) included and is properly designed.
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    @VINDIC Just use https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/... , it will be secure enough.
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    @VINDIC Is there a diagram of the code so one can look at it? Is your encryption even reversible?
    Why do you have the characters of the alphabet in your code?

    This doesn't make sense:
    foreach(byte jkd in stringChars)
    xor = jkd;

    if(bytesTotal > 1000)
    f = bytesTotal / 20;
    f = bytesTotal * 2;
    int finalSecreteSauce = ((bytesTotal*4) * 8);

    Additionally: Your long key in the author string degenerates to a single Int. If I assume thus string will be the secret part (and not your randomness, as this would make your algorithm very unusable, because key exchanges will get very, very difficult then), you effectively have 32-bit key.
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    140 line function. check
    Badly named variables. check
    Using loops instead of doing math on paper first. check

    Please fix those, my soul hurts.
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    @sbiewald yeah it doesn't make sense right now I plan on fixing that thank you for the feed back
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    @Khepu I will I am new to things like this so sorry
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    @sbiewald can i credit you for improvement on my Project ? :>
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    @VINDIC my I suggest that you look up how DES or AES works? They're fairly straightforward things to implement (for education, never for production).

    *Why* they work well is a whole different thing though, you might want to start from an introductory book like Stallings' Computer Security and then try going through something more advanced.
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