changed my name!

from awruh to aysentur now... can be spelled out better. I hope so at least, lmao.

my old name was created due to lack of creativity but the need of a username, so I smashed my keyboard... and that was what came up. aysentur has some more thought in it though not something meaningful.

new name old me

  • 2
    New phone, who dis?

    Oh it's you, how's that project going you started?
  • 0
    What's the meaning behind it now? (If you want to share, of course)
  • 0
    Awruh was easier to type and remember for sure.
  • 2
    Its going to be this all over again:
  • 1
    @shinypotato nothing deep, just a shorter version of another username I have somewhere... "ay" for a "fancy" version of "a", "sen" short for "sensitive" and "tur" short for turtle.

    that's it xD
  • 0
    @Codex404 really? I only heard it was bad to remember and spell from others over the years having this username nearly everywhere
  • 1
    @C0D4 wha...what project? I need a reference post because I didn't start something yet... xD
  • 1
    @aysentur because of the "tur" I was expecting something related to LotR, or at least something gate-related, but I'm not disappointed 😄
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  • 2
    @C0D4 ah right... yep, I always have half-assed ideas and then I can't get myself to start them.

    ...that was what I wanted to change tho... uhm yea this year has 11 other months left, some of them don't have masses of assignments for uni I hope... and I need to survive my exams first.

    but we're getting there... slowly. xD
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