What do you prefer, to be independent or employee?

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    After all in both you are working to earn money to survive? Aren't they the same?
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    @gitpush in one you're responsible for EVERYTHING with Higher risk, more freedom+flexibility and Higher reward. In the other you're only responsible for the tasks that are given to you, have way less freedom, less flexibility and less reward but therefore more stability
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    It depends very heavily on the culture of the company that employs you. I like the culture at my current employer, and I'm happy with the compensation. So for me, in my current situation, I definitely prefer the employee life.
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    Independent because you're not controlled by fixed wages.
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    If independent = dead, that
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    @Ranchu what are your reasons of that thinking?
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    Employee. Being independent actually means more dependencies to me
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    Outside of my short-lived dishwashing job when I was a teen I've never had a boss. The thought of someone telling where to be and what to do doesn't fit my angry personality.
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    Have the best of both worlds and be the only dev employee, the stability + the freedom.

    You also get the worst though.
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    @SortOfTested Do those code after a year?
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    I mean, I do. Can't speak for anyone else :)
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    Depends on the personalities, more introvert better stay in employment
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    A good manager doesn't do that. That's micromanagement. I've never stayed in a job long under that kind of leadership.
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