Can gaming get better on Linux please? I know there are steps towards this but when I can move everything over to arch/Ubuntu etc would be awesome, including VR stuff.

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    Yes it can
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    Would be cool yeah. My games are mostly the reason why I still keep my Windows (sorry Rich, but there's things a non free software do better)
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    There is no reason why games can't and won't run on Linux part from the power struggle OSs have right now, windows made is so easy to create game engines that need windows only tech to work, closed source and locked down there for making it harder to port this and that, look at the consoles the company that made the easiest dev kits one the war, so yes games can, will and do come out for Linux but only when the development team use the right tech to make it, the here is no reason a game should be 100 gig and need ever resource going, this is and sadly will mostly always be the lazy cop out wrong OS, wrong type of coding and very wrong mind set to push there games.
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    you are dev, write your own game
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    Since i got a ps4 i really dont need windows tbh
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    I'm playing 90 percent of my steam games through steam play just fine!
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    @SiinaCutie I too badly don't have many native games but yes, its awesome!
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    @linuxxx you have epic games (no Linux launcher) plus Oculus rift launcher doesn't work with Linux, MS games (they are making a Linux OS so that might change soon). Proton is making vast improvements for steam games sure but it's still hit and miss at least in my experience anyways.
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    @bvs23bkv33 not a games dev
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    @HolyTeabags For the record, proton is entirely usable without steam!
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    @linuxxx yeah but without the launchers you can't access anything
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    @HolyTeabags I have no experience with that, sucks :(
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    Yeah ... my gaming habbits are the only thing that keep windows at my machine (dual boot) ... unfortunately wargaming (world of tanks/warships/warplanes) has no plans of supporting Linux natively .... and I hate fooking around with ‘wine’ or ‘play on Linux’
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