
It’s that time of the year....

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    That's a dirty toothbrush
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    Yea I’ll let you guess how the keyboard was..
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    There won't be a "that time of the year" if you clean it with a wet wipe once a week.
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    There is a once a day wipe..
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    That will only clean the keycaps, which is simple. This is a deep clean. Scrubbin' them switches and interstitials. I salute it!
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    @drtokky That's the ideal scenario, but I understand it's an overkill for some people.
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    @bahua Unless you've dipped the keyboard in grease, you can stick a wet wipe between the keycaps and pull it along each row - it will also clean under the keycaps this way.
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    That may be, but I still prefer OP's method. If I'm vacuuming under the furniture, I move the furniture. If I'm cleaning under the keycaps, I remove the keycaps.
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    I also put the keys into a sock and that in another sock (both clean), then wash with other 30°C laundry. No spin cycle before taking out the key socks, of course.
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    What, none of y'all just put that thang in the mf dishwasher?
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