
Holy fuck EA (yea I went there)

So here I am playing NFS Heat, and my laptop is hot enough to cook eggs on the keyboard, no joke, yet spec wise I should have 0 issues running this game.

I switch on the turbo cool (basically spin the internal fans at full speed... It's an MSI) and this usually covers any heating issues, nope... not this time.

this fucker of a fan can't keep up , so I've turned down the settings from ULTRA, that's depressing, to Medium... it feels like 2006 showed back up, but here's this laptop still burning a whole in my fingers.

My GPU (GTX1060 6GB) is running at 95'c on Medium graphics, and LOW looks like I fell into a 8bit world with slow ass rendering.

Guess I'm going to need to get some cooling assistance for this thing.

Thank you EA for turning my 2.5k laptop into a stove top, I appreciate it.

I guess the name checks out, "heat"

  • 8
    A game can't cause a laptop to heat more than it was designed to.
  • 3

    Ok cuck
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  • 5
    Also, lowering graphical settings may potentially cause more heat if fps is not limited.
  • 4
    That is your fault. Laptops will never give you full cpu, gpu performace due to the pathetic thermal desing.

    Yes you can game on them, but you have to sacrifice quality.
    If that bothers you:
    -make a proper PC
    -buy a 20 000$ laptop that is 3x heavier and 3x as thicc.
  • 5
    Ok, sure. All my fault.

    If I wanted a PC I would have purchased a PC. This isn't my first rodeo. I bought a high end laptop for the specific reason of gaming, and dev work, purely because I don't have the space to add a desktop in my house and needed something portable.

    Yes, I'm aware a Laptop will never live up to a PC and will heating issues if pushed hard enough.

    This is the first AAA game to actually start causing issues though.
  • 2
    > low settings
    > world of 8-bit
    I actually prefer low-poly, low-prettiness shit as I like not having a billion things to catch my attention. Makes online shooters and such a lot easier for me when I don't have particles and grass and individual 4k tree leaves and shit in the way.
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    @Parzi low graphics settings are sometimes consideres cheating by the community because it often removes grass, trees, pretty stuff that would create graphical obscrution at ultra...

    so low spec pc realy means god level players 🤔
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    @Gregozor2121 well fuck them, I often can't at faster than 2 or 3 FPS anyway so they can buy me a better PC if they want that, and even then I may not anyway
  • 1
    @Parzi Community will never blame you for that, but the will be slighty pissed at the dev. They accept the fact that you can have a bad pc.
  • 1
    You no longer have to wonder why HEAT is the name of the game. Still have to agree with the rest laptop + gaming = hot. You should check for dust build-up of it never gave you issues though.
  • 2
    @hjk101 it's only... 10 months old, all the vents still look good, could be a build up inside maybe, but I would think it would run overly hot with other games if that was the issue.

    And yes it does run hot during intense gaming ( its a laptop, it bound to happen ), but that's usually a few hours later as expected, not 20-30 min in.

    For comparison, I can play Assassins creed odyssey for like 5-6 hours before having to turn the fans up to full, but by then I've usually turned it off anyway.

    Not to worry, I ended up buying a 6 fan stand to sit under to keep it cool... well cool enough to play anyway.
  • 1
    Not questioning your choice of gaming hardware. But playing an EA game? C'mon man.
  • 1
    @dfoianu only for NFS, and C&C games. Hard to say no when you've played them all.
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