Does anyone have experience with contabo for vps? Would you recommend them?

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    I'd be cautious.

    Website template from the 90's, I know I've used it before 😂

    You need to pay for backups 🤷‍♂️

    The only thing they have going for them is the price and at least up to date OS images.

    A vps that cheap on SSD will probably have I/O limitations in order to not kill the drives on a regular basis.

    But at that price, id give it a go for a month or two for a tiny pet project.
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    Idk, but i use arubacloud and im pretty satisfied with them
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    I think @linuxxx uses them
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    @C0D4 @RememberMe I've got 10+ servers with them. Never specifically measured I/O and such (except for the network) but its been great since the beginning!
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