
The feeling of watching 1,300 emails get deleted >>>

  • 2
    I hope they're not unread emails !
  • 2
    Wait.. you can delete more than 100 mails at once?
  • 0
    @Coffe2Code it was my uni email address so 1/3 of them were apartment complexes wanting me to live there, 1/6 were assignment graded notifications, 1/6 were random shit and 1/3 was news and what not.

    @sandeepbalan Yea there was a lil circle at the top of the page that selected all. There were roughly 800 in my inbox and another 500 in the trash.

    Oh yea it was in Outlook.
  • 2
    That feeling when you open outlook and spot 2-300 emails in the morning and watch the outlook rules kick in, bye bye useless emails.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet ok. allright. I was talking about the web version.You can only see maximum of 100 per page.
  • 0
    I once had about ten thousand unread emails on my official outlook. Fun times.
  • 1
    @Jilano I didnt know that. I should try that out
  • 1
  • 1
    Rookie numbers, @Nanos
  • 0
    Sounds like ASMR
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