
When people try to tell me that spaces are better than tabs and that PascalCase is better than snake_case :-3

  • 8
    It's all about consistency really. If your workplace uses one style, you should use it too. Personally, I prefer snake_case for variables, PascalCase for classes (or the equivalent in non OOP languages), camelCase for functions or methods and CAPS_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
  • 2
    @nitnip This.
    Also spaces because of vertical aligning and cli output.
  • 5
    Spaces and tabs are racist, they are whitespace. Because if you start the name of something with white you are racist, any other color and you are diverse.
  • 0
    @Demolishun wow that's the dumbest argument i have ever read.
  • 3
    Whitespace is racist! It's white! And white is inherently racist!
    But blackspaces and brownspaces are progressive!
    (Yellowspaces are okay too.)

  • 2
    @StopWastingTime Welcome to modern politically-correct racism. I mean "anti-racism" 🙄
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    @Root feminist have joined the server. All hail the mighty pinkspace. XD
  • 1
    I try to use the recommendation in the official style guide for each language
  • 1
    @pedrodev I will depending on the language, C# 100% follow recommendations else it is a pure mess
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