Was forced to code like this:


Instead of this


Also I should mention that this happened 4 years ago and my mentor (27 years old economy major at the time) did not know how to use git, we stored projects on a shared networking folder.

  • 8
    if its C# then I'd understand why forcing



    But using a shared network folder is just too much to deal with ...
  • 0
  • 5
    To be fair I definitely prefer the former over the later. I find it much cleaner and gives a bit of a break between code lines.

    But using network share drives instead of a repo is just gross
  • 3
    It's a good practice if the styleguide forces one of these styles to make the code base consistent.
  • 1
    What @gitpush said 🤨
  • 2
    First one ftw
    is clear and beautiful. Can easily find blocks limits without an IDE.

    is a meaningless way to save lines or whatever. Totally unpractical.
  • 1
    Correct indentation should clearly show the code blocks.
  • 1
    I use codestyle of default IDE formating.

    Write like a monkey, press ctrl+E,D (for visual studio) and you are done.
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript doesn't work in some cases.

    Scala can confuse intellij because it thinks its formatting java.
  • 0
    @cmarshall10450 True.

    But works well for my stack : C#, HTML, SASS, TypeScript
  • 1
    Dude, in my company guys even don't know what is going on with versioning and they are just dragging and droping files on filezilla XD
  • 0
    I agree that the first way is better, at least in my opinion, but in the end it depends on the language and it's standards so when a new person comes in with different IDE settings or knowing the standards everything keeps working

    >Not know how to use git
    Leeaaaarrrnnnn, its fucking simple. God damn people that don't even try
  • 1
    Worst thing ever:
    if (cond)
    //Do stuff
    if (cond2)
    //Do other stuff
    //Some more stuff
  • 1
    "This is better!"

    "No, that is better!"

    Use the standard your team uses, that's the important part.
  • 0
    Just configure your code formater
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