I got rejected over 100 times. Even for internships. Should I continue going self-taught or should I go back to college?

I need help..

  • 7
    In some industry domains, it's OK not to have a degree, but you better had a good portfolio to back up your worth. Self-taught and nothing impressive to show is a certain rejection, just as a portfolio that isn't as great as you think.

    Which leads to the next problem - if you aren't specifically into web dev, then how to show a portfolio? That would probably require a website. Github deserts don't count because nobody will sift through them.

    On top of that, also your application letters may have been unsuited. You did research how to write them, didn't you?
  • 7
    You are probably doing something wrong. Do you have a public cv we can take a look at?
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop My application letters always have my motivation in it and why I am a good fit for the job.

    I did do some research but I don't actually know how to properly write one.
  • 1
    @yellow-dog I don't have an appealing cv. I have an average sales job and unfinished degrees.
  • 2
    @WeAreVenom you didn't answer his question. Share the CV if you'd like to
  • 5
    @WeAreVenom OK than you have at least some points covered. What companies also expect however, is why you would want to work for this specific company.

    Yeah that's stupid because let's be honest, ANY company is OK unless it's total shit. The point is just to earn bloody money to foot one's fucking living by selling one's workforce to whomever. But that's not what companies want to read.

    The application letter needs some (SOME!) level of bullshit talk why this specific company is great, with whatever they're doing. At least, it shows that you aren't mass e-mailing any old company, but have googled what they're doing.

    Maybe they also regard a certain bullshit level as social competence, dunno. I'm not overly into either.

    However, you sidestepped the hard question with what you actually have to show. This is a dealbreaker item.
  • 2
    Create some repos on Github, so people can look at.
    Also is easier if someone recommends you to their boss.
    Good luck
  • 2
    Keep going! Trust me :)
  • 3
    I think you pretty much answered your own question man. If you already know that quitting the degreee willingly (which seems the case) is not working for you, just go back and finish it. Other than that, the pointsade by the other memebers here are solid af and you should listen to them.

    Still, I firmly believe that quitting school and becoming self thaught is really not a smart move precisely because of situations like these.
  • 2
    It all comes down to your skills and the company you are applying to. There are a lot of companies that don't require a degree, but that brings increased competition, and of course, they expect better skills. A degree is a proof that you can commit, so it adds` values! I think you should create a better portfolio and work on interview preparation, going back to a degree depends on your aim/organization that you want to work with.
  • 0
    Start looking freelancer jobs.
  • 4
    @AleCx04 Also, when the IT economy goes down, self-taught people may be lucky to stay within their company where they are known - but they won't find another job.

    When economy slows down, HR puts strict degree requirements right back into the job ads, and they don't even consider self-taught applicants.

    I remember this from the boom and crash of the dotcom bubble 20 years ago. Jobs were abundant, so people quit studies by the end of the 90s. They were seriously fucked in the early 2000s when their companies cut down jobs or went bust.

    True, IT folks are in demand now - but the market is also driven by a lot of tech companies that have never made anything than losses. That's what a bubble looks like, and bubbles are gonna bust sooner or later. "But it's different this time" - no, it's not. Just as it wasn't different last time. And every time before.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop exactly, could not have said it better man. I hate this "yOu dOnT neEd a DegrEe" mentality, as if you cannot teach yourself(or as if you don't have to) when getting a degree. Yeah school can really suck, and in the US it is outrageously expensive, but the benefits far outweigh the cons in the long run.
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