Hee guys I will be running Ubuntu/Debian as my main development environment. Which distro is the best for development with k8s, docker and elixir?

Thanks for in the input guys! Really appreciate it!

  • 3
    I think you should try to test each out and then you can choose the one you seem the best for you to work with.
  • 0
    Alright, I will do some research! Thanks!
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    @theCreativeOne You're welcome.

    Though what I use is Ubuntu..
  • 2
    I'd personally advice PopOS! But, that is personal advice and maybe another distro works well/better for you :)
  • 1
    Pretty much all of them would work for that, pick whichever one you like using the most (my vote would go to Manjaro or Solus)
  • 1
    I would say use something with stable and plentiful repos. Ubuntu should be fine, but be sure it's headless. Docker and elixir will be fine, it's just a question of whether or not you have enough resources for k8s development, as a k8s cluster requires 3 VMs to start up.
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    @linuxxx I heard good things about PopOS will check it out today
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    @arcsector yes you are correct on the resources that are need for k8s, still not 100% sure if in going to run that locally thought
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    I have three answers for you, they may overlap:

    1. The distro you're familiar with. You'll spend less time figuring out OS and more time being productive.

    2. The distro your team is using. They have already figured out how to fix most common issues.

    3. Pop_OS ;)
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    @gronostaj thanks dude! I will probably be the first on the team with it.. but I know people with PopOS so going to check that out
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    @theCreativeOne then your distro probably doesn't matter. If you're wanting to do k8s admin work, might i suggest "Kubernetes the hard way"?
  • 0
    @arcsector thanks dude, will check it out!
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