
This is 2020. All these companies should know BSc in computer science doesn't mean shit to software development

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    "Related fields"
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    @asgs BSc on any related field don't mean shit either
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    @Drekel any "Bachelor's", not necessarily in Science. Meaning, any related collegiate education
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    Lol just get a degree then, you'd expect to get a better job if you did
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    I would say it actually does, but more as a low bar that they know you can cross, rather than as a high bar that you could potentially reach.
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    Knowledge of react, Android and Java required. Bonus: react and OOP. There are more pressing issues with this job ad.
  • 12
    You have a computer science degree... Why can't you change the background color in CSS?

    Uhhh... I took physics and calculus!! Can we do some of that? Maybe some Boolean math and circuitry???
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    Yea same bullshit different day. It's just fucking HR a lot of these dumbfucks do not know it does not mean shit. Hell, I am CS undergrade and know that bachelors does mean shit. But you know YoU GoTtA hAvE a BaCheLorS To KnOw ShIt.
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    @p100sch now am seeing that shit 😂 the must have degree issue got me carried away.
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    Another red flag is not knowing the difference between "an" and "a". "An android developer"*
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    Yeah, this was cool 3 days ago in 2019 but this shit still in 2020?! Outrageous
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    I would argue that having a bsc is a good benchmark if youre looking for people who are able to finish what they started. Source: I was working with multiple college/uni dropouts and bastards cant code, dont follow any standards and basically create more bugs than fixes. Dont follow structure. Its as if they didnt grow as people ever since they finished high school. Only small percentage of self tought devs without higher education have a sense of responsibilty. The rest are entitled kids who feel the need to impress others by cutting corners.
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    @zemaitis "Only small percentage of self thought Devs without higher education have a sense of responsibility" Really dude? Really? You sound like you have worked with all the Devs that don't care about degree. Then how come I don't know you 🧐
    don't judge all by the few you have witnessed.
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    @Drekel In case its not obvious to you this was my opinion based on my experience so take it with a grain of salt. If you got triggered just because your opinion is different then its your problem not mine. So get off my back
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    @Drekel similarly, for devs with a degree. It really does mean something for a lot of people, or you need a significant amount of equivalent experience/knowledge to count as a substitute.
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    @RememberMe when it comes to software development you only need experience and knowledge to count as a Developer.
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    @Drekel but if the company sees a candidate who has a degree versus one who doesn't, and they're roughly equivalent in ability, it's just so much safer and easier to go with the one with a degree because you know that in addition to ability, the person with the degree has gone through a certain basic curriculum. And if your area has a significant number of people with degrees then well, requirements like that fall out naturally.
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