Do you guys say char "char" (like a charbroiler) or "car"?

  • 0
    As far as I know it's /car/ so I pronunce it like that
  • 2
    Char in character. So /car/
  • 4
    Yes, I do!
  • 0
    @wowotek I've always defaulted to this explanation as well.
  • 10
    * marks as repost *
    We been through this before.

    Char as in charcoal, However Character as like carry-ter
  • 3
    "Care" as in character.
  • 1
    @C0D4 my bad, im still unsure if there's a search function in devrant, otherwise i wouldve looked
  • 6
    How do you pronounce "char"?
    "char" is usually pronounced "tchar", not "kar". This may seem illogical because "character" is pronounced "ka-rak-ter", but nobody ever accused English pronunciation (not "pronounciation" :-) and spelling of being logical.

  • 3
    @arcsector we do, it's useless though 😅
    I find google a better search engine for devRant though.

    @Jilano Polly want a cracker *sqwark*
  • 2
    @C0D4 I would have guessed Polly says *char*! 😁

    @arcsector I pronounce it softly, like in "charm". If it were "character" I would pronounce it so. Now it's not. It's "char".
  • 3
    @netikras I so missed that opportunity 😂
  • 2
    it's GNU/char.

    (I pronounce it as 'char' though. Not 'car'.)
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    char as phonetically read in my native language, meaning you combine precisely the "ch" sound which english language doesn't have, with "ar" as in "on par", but that one isn't exactly it either.
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    Sea Age Eye Arrr
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    I say char like in charcoal, or like in CharChar. ;-D
  • 1
    My database professor was adamant that it was pronounced "care" because it's "character" but I will still always pronounce it "char" as in "charcoal"

    Pronunciation changes when you take away letters, old man!
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    @AlgoRythm picturing you yelling at someone's grave about pronounciation gives me strength for the coming meetings
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    I actually pronounce it like the first half in "Carrot" 😂
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    I say "car", but English isn't even my first language, so who knows 😅
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    @priscilamtz this is an acceptable reason, especially since native english speakers cant figure this shit out
  • 1
    I just say „character“..🤷‍♂️
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